
  • For European countries and South Africa :
    MDS-Music Distribution Service GmbH
    Carl-Zeiss-Str. 1-55129 Mainz, Germany
    Email: order@mds-partner.com
    Phone : (+)44 0 1233 712233 Fax : (+)44 0 1233 714948

  • For U.S.A., Canada and Mexico:
    Hal Leonard Corporation
    7777 West Bluemound Road, Milwaukee, WI 53213 U.S.A.
    Phone: +1 800 524 4425 Fax: +1 414 774 3259

  • For Australia and New Zealand :
    Music Knowledge Pty. Ltd.
    17 Coledale Close, Endeavour Hills, VIC. 3802 (Australia)
    Phone : (+)61 3 9700 0660 Fax : (+)61 3 9700 7705

  • For all countries, with the exception of the above mentioned countries:
    Zen-On Music Co., Ltd
    2-13-3 Kami Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0034, Japan
    Phone : +81.3.3227.6283, Fax:+81.3.3227.6288
    Email: export-sales@zen-on.co.jp
    URL : http://www.zen-on.co.jp


  • For France, Monaco and Luxemburg :
    Alphonse Leduc Éditions Musicales (Première Music Group)
    10, Rue de la Grange BaPhoneière, 75009, Paris, France
    Phone : (+)33 1 53 24 64 64  Fax : (+)33 1 53 24 68 49
    Email: premiere@musicsales.co.uk
    URL : http://www.alphonseleduc.com

  • For other European Countries:
    Boosey & Hawkes Bote & Bock GmbH & Co. KG
    Oranienstraße 164, D-10969 Berlin, Germany
    Phone +49 30 2500 1362, Fax +49 30 2500 1369
    Email: Ber_Rental@boosey.com

  • For USA, Canada and Mexico:
    European American Music Distributors Company
    250 West 57th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10107 USA
    Phone: +1.212.461.6940
    For general inquiries: info@eamdc.com
    For rental inquiries: rental@eamdc.com

  • For all countries, with the exception of the above mentioned countries:
    Zen-On Music Co., Ltd
    2-13-3 Kami Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0034, Japan
    Phone : +81.3.3227.6283, Fax:+81.3.3227.6288
    Email: hirelibrary@zen-on.co.jp
    URL : http://www.zen-on.co.jp


  • For European Countries:
    Boosey & Hawkes Bote & Bock GmbH & Co. KG
    Oranienstraße 164, D-10969 Berlin, Germany
    Phone +49 30 2500 1362, Fax +49 30 2500 1369
    Email: leihbibliothek@boosey.com

  • For USA, Canada and Mexico:
    European American Music Distributors Company
    250 West 57th Street, 6th Floor, New York, NY 10107 USA
    Phone: +1.212.461.6940
    Email: info@eamdc.com

  • For all countries, with the exception of the above mentioned countries:
    Zen-On Music Co., Ltd
    2-13-3 Kami Ochiai, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 161-0034, Japan
    Phone : +81.3.3227.6283, Fax:+81.3.3227.6288
    Email: copyright@zen-on.co.jp
    URL : http://www.zen-on.co.jp